Sunday, December 14, 2008

5 more days!

As the trip to GA gets closer, I get more and more excited. I really miss my family and am looking forward to seeing all of them. It's rough, it's been about a year since I've seen my folks and Daniel, and about 9 months since I've seen Kathleen, Adam, and Sophie, and about that same amount of time since I've seen Brandon. So for me the excitement is growing.

However, I know that this has got to be rough for Donna, this is going to be her first Christmas away from her family, and not only that but she is going to have to stay with a lot of people that she doesn't even know, and since she doesn't always like meeting new people this probably adds to her nervousness.
I just hope she'll understand that while she is leaving her family to visit mine, that she in reality is going to still be with family, because she is going to be, in about 6 months, a Glaize, and they are looking forward to loving her, if for no other reason than because I love her.

Now on a lighter note, my Mom gave me a list of meals that she is going to be making for us while we are there, and let me tell you, just the thought of them makes me drool a little bit, we're gonna have, roast beef, Lasagna, homemade Chicken Pot Pie, Steak, and so much more, and I for one am excited about that.

This is going to be a great Christmas, the last Christmas that I will be a non married man. That's an interesting and exciting thought!

1 comment:

tif said...

"last christmas that I will be a non married man"----ahhh! so exciting! and I guess I never thought about how Donna is going to be Donna Glaize! So fun! and isn't there nothing like mom's home cooking?!