Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Camp, coyote hunting, and being a man

So as I posted in my last blog, last week I went to camp. It was definitely an interesting experience. The camp had 3 Catholic private schools 6th graders come for the week for "educational fun." Where the kids basically had to sit around, in class, and learn about living in the wild instead of actually going out and learning out in nature which I thought was kind of lame, but I tried to make sure that my guys had fun.
Overall the week was pretty fun though, my friends Lucas and Ed were there, and so we were able to hang out while the kids were in class, and talk about everything that was going on in out lives, women, and theology which I loved.
My kids were pretty good too, while they were talkers, they were respectful to me in that when I told them to do something they listened. Which was nice!
M biggest problem with the camp was that because it was a Catholic week, we were not to talk to them about anything that was contrary to the Catholic faith. Which, to be honest, I didn't follow. When my kids said things like, Mary is going to come with Jesus to Redeem humanity (granted it was in 6th grade vernacular) I had to set them strait biblically. But for the most part this was not really an issue.

On the last night, at about 11pm, Lucas comes running into my cabin, and tells me that they caught a wolf in this one kitchen area. So I hopped out of bed and went with him to go check it out. We soon found out though, that there were no wolves in the area and that what they caught was most likely a coyote. So armed with a broom and a couple of rakes, Ed, Lucas and I went to slay this ravenous beast. However when we got there we found nothing but a trash can that had been tipped over. The coyote had escaped.
At this point Lucas told Ed and I that he had always want to hunt a coyote, so we, armed with now 3 rakes and a flashlight, went out in search of coyote. After searching for about a half hour however, we began to realize that it was probably gone, and also that coyotes usually run in packs, so with the thought of having to kill an entire pack was not anywhere near as appealing.

While at camp, I listened to a sermon series on my iPod entitled "Biblical Manliness." The premise of the series is that society today is stripping men of biblical masculinity, and replacing it with either a wrong view, with men being confused, sex crazed, idiotic, hotheads, or with the view that masculinity is wrong.

Both of these views though are a slap in the face of biblical masculinity. But we as men need to return to the idea of defending women's honor instead of making them out to just be objects, we need to be willing to lead others even when it goes against what society says is okay, and we need to remember that there are times that it is not only right, but also necessary to fight. Men are not the same as women, God created us differently, and we need to celebrate that difference, and honor God with it.


Heather said...

That's really too bad you didn't catch a pack of wild coyotes. But it's the thought that counts, right?
:) Who taught the manly-bibles series ? :)

Cyndi said...

I'm glad you survived your heroic adventure!

Have you heard the new Jars of Clay song: iBoys (lesson 1)? It confirms all you have said, and more.

I agree, the former things have passed away, much to our loss and dismay.