Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random thoughts

The thought just occurred to me. I am marrying my best friend. Donna is the one who I talk to about everything, she is the one who I spend most of my time with, and she is the one who will always have my back, and I will always have hers.

It's weird too because I have never felt this close to anyone. I feel vulnerable, yet at the same time I feel at peace. I am excited to be marrying her.

Did Adam and Eve have navels? If not, did Cain and Abel look at theirs and think that they were made wrong?

Like Donna said in her blog I too am in that weird place, in between being married and being allowed to think about sex, and being single and not being allowed to.

I think it's even worse for the Christian guy though. Because if a girl talks about it, then she is just "looking forward to the intimacy of her wedding night." However, it seems like if a guy talks about it, he is "a perv who only has one thing on his mind." So instead of having an honest discussion with the other men about sex, we just tend not to say anything.
But I think that this is a disservice to us men. God created sex, both for procreation and marital recreation, so why does it seem so wrong to talk about it in a honest and God pleasing manner?

So last Friday I dislocated my shoulder, which hurt let me tell you, but I didn't go to the doctor for it, since I don't have health insurance, and so now almost a week later, it still hurts if I move it in certain directions. I hope it heals up soon there is a lot of painting and other work that needs to get done pronto stat.


Donna G said...

i love how it went from hmm let's ponder sex and how i fit into God's plan for me to oh yeah btw my shoulder hurts real bad.

i love you and i am so glad that i get to marry you and not some weirdo oh wait...

Cyndi said...

May I suggest ice, ibuprofen in large amounts, and a chat with your fiance? I think if she understood your feelings and hesitations, it might relieve hers.