Friday, November 21, 2008


It's what everyone longs for. We all at some point desire to be in an intimate relationship with someone. I have in many ways found that in Donna, and I am extremely happy with that. But as of late, I have come to realize that I really desire to have an intimate relationship with God.
See the more I fall in love with Donna, the more I realize just how much God loves me, yet at the same time I for the most part lack that relationship. I want Him to be my desire more than anything else, I want Him to be my passion, my love and my life completely, not just a part. But it's not there, there is a lack, and I'm finding that the more knowledge that I receive about Him only causes me to want to know Him on a personal level even more, but I don't know how.

I know that there is soo much more, I know that there is an intimacy with God that He desires me to have. But the fact is I don't have it, and I just don't know how to get to that point. I love God, the forgiveness and grace of Jesus is something that I cherish, but I want more. I don't want God to be there just so I can pray to Him when I am in need, I want intimacy, but I don't know where to go or how to get it. I see the examples in the Bible of men like Peter, or Paul, and examples just though people in my life, and I see that on some level they have a certain depth to their relationship that I lack.

Father I want more of you, and I don't care what you must do to me or in me, if it is going to cause me to know you more, then I am more than willing.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

Sounds to me like you need the touch of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps a good Biblical study of His nature, character, and how He operates would help you. I don't mean some guy's ideas, either, I mean your own study and reflection time.
I find that the more we know Him, the more we see and experience Him. And, didn't Jesus say that His going, and the Holy Spirit coming, was of more benefit to us? Check Acts.

I love that your heart's desire line up with His will. It's the place where dreams and desire come true.