Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bros before um... schmoes?

Lately I have been hanging out with the guys a lot more, whether it is going out to Burger King with Brock, Starbucks with Nick, or to Panda Express with Luke, I have been spending a lot more time with the men of the college group, and I must say that it's been good. Never before have I felt like I had a group of brothers who I could open up to, it has been pretty sweet.

Anyway on an unrelated note, Donna and I have been cleaning her room and miracle of miracles happened, it is almost completely cleaned! That is pretty sweet if you ask me. It's nice to be able to see the floor, and not have to worry about tripping and falling to my death if I ever need to get something out of her room, so that's nice.

That's really the big stuff going on with me, since only like Donna reads this anyway I want to say hey babe, I love you! If anyone else reads this too um... hi, and um... leave a comment.


Cyndi said... your blog.

That IS why you write it, isn't it????

Glaizerbeam said...

Yeah it is