Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Bride list

I sent this list the other day to Donna. But I think that all of these are probably all things that a man of God should look for in his bride. Now granted there might be other stuff and an individual would add, but I think for me this about covers it. This list is broad so I didn't necessarily list everything specifically (ex. I didn't say what I find attractive) but still, I think it's pretty good.

1. Most important is that she has to be not just a Christian but also seeking to be walking with the Lord.
The reality is there are a lot of people who are content with where they are in Jesus. But not her, she seeks the grow, not that she is perfect, no. if she were I wouldn't be able to marry, or even date her because I am far from perfect. It is not about the mistakes that she has made or is making, it is about her seeking God out even in those mistakes.

2. I must find her attractive.
This of course is both a physical and a personality thing. If I don't find them attractive then of course I could not stay with them long.

3. She can't have a calling that conflicts with mine.
We are all called of the Lord to do great things, and whether that thing is to go plant a church in Florida, go be a missionary in China, or just be a witness at your work. Now I feel called to be a pastor, but if the and so my brides calling cannot be something that conflicts with mine because that in turn would create a conflict, and that is not desirable.

4. She needs to be willing to submit to me.
This of course is probably out of all of these, the hardest one for the women to accept. However I need a bride who is going to submit. That is the biblical principle, and just as I am called to love her like Christ loves the church, so she is called to submit to my authority. Now this does not mean that she is to be a slave, no. Far from it, it is more like we are a team, and I am the team captain, and since we are a team it is my responsibility to do what I think is best for it, and it is the brides job to submit to that. It is hard I understand that, and I will do whatever I can to be the kind of leader that my bride will both love and respect, but still this is something that is a requirement of mine, mostly because that is requirement of God.

5. She needs to call me out when I am in sin.
Now submission does not mean that if I am sinning, that she is supposed to stay silent. There are going to be times where I am going to not be loving, where I am going to not be that model for Christ, and while I would want her to do it lovingly, and also only after it being a repeated offense where I aparently am blind to the sin. It is in those times where I would want her to take me to the side and lovingly call me out.

6. She needs to find me funny.
I like making people laugh, and so if the girl found me completely boring, I don't know if I could handle that.

7. She needs to be able to get me, to be willing to have all those silly conversations.
I can picture it now, the middle of the night, with us both laying in bed, I say to my bride, "If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?" and we then discuss. I want a woman who I can be silly with, and she will be silly back. Yet at the same time she can also be serious too when the occasion arises. (It should be noted though that silly and stupid are two different things, and so if I were to do something stupid, like ride down the stairs head first backwards, I wouldn't expect her to cheer me on, instead I think in those situations it would be better for her to try to discourage that.)

8. She needs to know that as my bride her first calling is to me.
This kind of goes along with #3. My bride needs to remember that though others are important, her first calling is to be a helpmate to me. That biblically should be more important than any ministry she may have, including children. Now that is not to say that I am going to be inept and in need of her 24/7, but so often relationships become strained because they lose forget the importance of their spousalhood. This goes for me too of course, my first calling would be to my wife.

9. She needs to let me be romantic and chivalrous.
Now I can at times be both romantic and chivalrous. But we live in a new age, where women don't want that kind of stuff anymore. However because I can't help but be those at times, I need a woman who still wants that.

10. I need to be in love with her.
Now this of course goes without saying. However a woman could fulfill all of these other requirements, but if I don't love them, then I of course would not marry them.


I'm getting frustrated. I'm tired of filling out out millions of applications only to find out that I am either not qualified or the business is not hiring. It's frustrating to say the very least. The thing is I don't know what to do. I know on one hand the reality is at this point there really isn't anything I can do other than put in more applications, and the other hand is the reality that the Lord is the one who will choose my future job. Whether that is being a server or a youth director, it all depends on what the Lord would want me to do, because the reality is while those things may be my job, my life is to glorify God, and so that is what I want to do. God is the one who initiates the employment.
The question for me though is how much am I supposed to do? On one hand the bible is constantly saying that we are to wait on the Lord, and I know this. But on the other hand I know that I am not supposed to sit around and do nothing either. So the question is when am I supposed to stop and just wait on the Lord? The hard thing is just waiting, because I feel like a slacker, but I just don't know... I guess it really all comes down to what the Lord is calling me to do, does He want me to continue to go and find a job or does He want me to just patiently wait on the Lord? I just don't know, and for that reason I'm frustrated. But that's ok.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Seinfeld, jobs, love and a baby.

So lately I have been realizing something about myself. Things that I once may have enjoyed, just do not have the joy that they used to, for example, I used to really love the show Seinfeld, yet jokes about sex or against the Lord, which have been showing up more and more on the television, have really as of late been a turn off for me. Bad language itself has kind of been the same, no longer can I enjoy a film where every other word is an F-bomb. This is weird, but also exciting, because it is showing me that the Lord really is at work. That He continually fulfilling Philippians 1:6 in my life. He not only began a good work in me, but He will continue to do so until the day of Christ Jesus, and He is. That exciting, because these are changes that I didn't even really notice taking place, yet they did, and that is cool.
I have been looking for a job lately, but no one seems to be hiring, this stinks because I want/need money. But I will hopfully get something soon. Friday I have a job interview and we'll see how that goes. Hopefully well.
I have lately comes to the realization that I am madly in love with Donna. As she pour her heart out to me last night, I became aware of the fact that though I loved her, that as we talked there was a depth of love for her that I was reaching which I could hardly conprehend, yet alone describe. I know that this all comes from the Lord, I don't think the world's love has the capacity to reach such a depth because it cannot love with the agape love. The reality is though that I cannot love her with that kind of love either, I must rely on the Lord to continue to teach me how because I wont be able to love her like He loves the church with Him. So I need to seek Him out because as I do so, I will in turn become that love.
Finally, Sophia is the cutest baby in the world, and she makes me realize why people want to have children. It's weird how a niece can do that to you, I've had a bunch of opportunities to watch her, or to go and feed her or to just carry her in my arms until she stops crying, and let me tell you, when the childen are blood, when they are family, they become all the more amazing. It's not that I hated kids, but it was more that I was impatient with them, but the baby is def. making that impatience go away. Anyway all this to say that while I wanted them before, I am sure that I want children now.

So that was fun and long, I don't usually know what to put in blogs so I just threw all that out there hope it makes sense.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

First blogs are always the hardest

Well today I decided to create a blog. Mostly because I will have a place to basically just talk about whatever it is I want to talk about, whether it is what is going on in my life or what is going on in my walk, or whatever. I'll actually write on this thing later today, but for right now this is all you are gonna get.