Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's about time.

So today was a long day at work. Working behind the food counter at Target can be quite stressful. It's funny how rude people can get when it comes to food. They can wait 20 minutes in line to purchase a plunger. But if they have to wait more than 5 minutes for a pizza they freak out... But anyway I digress, I am blessed to be working right now and I am glad that I am.

Funny story, I was sitting on the couch, and I realized that I had not got the mail yet. So, I stood up and opened the door. As the cool breeze passed around my body I realized that I was standing there in my underwear... No one saw as far as I know, but that could have got awkward fast. There wasn't even any mail.

Anyway, I have never considered myself to be an early bird. My idea of getting up early is waking up at 9. I am also not very disciplined. As I look back, there are plenty of things that I began, but of all of those things I'd say I've finished maybe 20 percent of them. I look at my book shelf which is full of books that are half read.
For the school of ministry I have to wake up at 6 on Mon-Fri, so that I can be sure to get to school by 7. Up until now I have made it a point to get up as late as possible and wait to do my devotions until later. Or at least that is what I've told myself. Later, with the busy-ness of the day soon becomes never.
So, in order to discipline myself, as well as spend time with my loving Father who is SOO good to me, I've decided to get up at 5 every morning and do my devos then. It has been really good so far, and I am going to have to discipline myself in order to keep doing it. Because I don't want to listen to "sleep Aaron" who in my groggy state is probably one of the best debaters I have ever heard, and I know that he will use what I like to call "early morning logic" to get me to just sleep.

I don't blog much, I think part of the reason is that most of the blogs that I feel like typing are indictments against things going on in the church, or complaints about various other things, and really I doubt you want to read that, though you did read my complaint about work, but that's beside the point. Donna gets enough of it here at home, she doesn't need to read about it :)

Anyway, I am procrastinating. I have a Greek midterm this Monday, and I am really tired of studying for it. But I probably should. You all have a blessed day. I have more I wanted to say but for now this'll have to do for now.


Cyndi said...

I'm proud of you for putting feet to your faith, and getting up so early. I've heard that it takes 6 weeks to create a habit, after that it's set. Just keep ignoring that sleepy-head voice, and you have won most of the battle!
Don't let the enemy defeat you!

She Said... said...

Aaron, thanks for being so Inspiring. :) We miss you buddy. And I definitely have been lacking with my devotion time and it is inspiring to hear what you go through to get it done.